St Albans Cycle Campaign (STACC)

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St Albans Cycle Campaign (STACC) is campaigning for people cycling in St Albans and the surrounding area, including  Harpenden, Redbourn, London Colney, Wheathampstead & Sandridge:

Our approach is to work co-operatively with key bodies such as the local authorities whilst lobbying for better funding and provision for cyclists with particular regard to cycle paths & routes, lower speed limits & cycle-parking.

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Get involved with STACC Find out a bit more about what we do and where we need help here

Latest News (and member actions in red!)

Redbourn Road

Herts County Council has issued the draft Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) ref SA 005 24 for 40mph & 50mph speed limits along the A5183 Redbourn/St Albans Road.  Whilst welcoming the imposition of 50 mph along the section that is currently 60 mph, we are astonished at the raising of the current 30-mph speed limit on the approach to Redbourn to 40 mph. This seems hardly likely to improve road safety at the busy and already hazardous roundabout. The relevant text from the draft proposals is:

The speed-limit restrictions are proposed to reduce the existing section of National Speed Limit to a 50mph speed limit along Redbourn Road. It would also extend into the existing 40mph limit to create a 40/50 speed limit change point 30 metres south east of the southern boundary of the property known as ‘Runners Cottage’. The existing 30/40 speed-limit change point would be

relocated north of the B487/A5183 roundabout junction to the northern boundary of the property known as ‘Bridge House’.

HCC invite you send objections or any other representations to by 23rd May 2024

Oaklands Bridleway

North Drive has at last been re-opened after the expiry of the TTRO (temporary traffic-regulation order) and the contamination has been downgraded. You can now cycle along North Drive and South Drive, but there is a rather bizarrely worded notice on South Drive warning that North Drive is temporarily closed to pedestrians and horses, but not, apparently, to cyclists. There is still a security guard at the entrance to South Drive checking the credentials of any motorists.

Redbourn Bike Shop

The Bike Loft on Redbourn High Street has changed hands and is now called Le Patron and run by Andrew, who worked there previously for 12 years. Note the new opening hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 - 5, and Saturday 9 - 12.

Here we go again...Alban Way flooding

Harpenden Road

Allison Wren, the new county councillor for Harpenden Rural following the departure of Annie Brewster to be High Sheriff, has informed STACC that she was very disappointed to see that a stretch of the shared-use path alongside the A1081 was missed out as part of the upgrade done at the end of last year. This is the section between the two entrances to Childwickbury. She brought this to the attention of the relevant officers and is delighted to report that they now agree that this section does need further work that includes siding out, hedge cutting and micro-surfacing the path, and she is hoping that it will be done during the summer months.

Events: Tour de Ricky!

The Tour de Ricky takes place on Saturday 1st June and comprises a set of challenging rides and a cycling-fun day, based at Woodoaks Farm near Maple Cross  WD3 9XQ. If you want to try a challenging ride, there are still places available on the 100km and 50km Audax ride; the 200km (gulp!) is fully booked. If you feel like a less-challenging ride, SPOKES, the cycling group for South West Herts is planning a series of shorter rides led by experienced and knowledgeable local cyclists. Starting from 10 am, after the audax rides have gone, experienced leaders will take groups out and about.

SPOKES are specifically inviting STACC members to join their Cycle Gathering - arrive when it suits, spend as much time on the farm as you wish, but SPOKES would like as many cyclists as possible present at 1pm for a mass photo shoot.

Events: Volunteers Needed...

STACC will be collaborating with St Albans Cycle Hub to help on their stall at

Sustainability EXPO 7 – 9 June 2024, Alban Arena. However, we need volunteers from our membership to assist in handing out leaflets to visitors to the exhibition. If you can spare an hour or more on one of the above days, please contact us at

We shall also have a stall at the Fête du Vèlo, Redbourn – Sunday 7th July. Again we require members  to help on the stall some of the day and to enjoy the event. Please let us know if you can assist using our email address above

Events: Chiltern 100

This epic event is delivered in partnership between Verulam CC  ATW and Chiltern Velo. With distances varying from the 60km Explorer, the 100km Medio Fondo, up to the formidable 160km Gran Fondo with over 2000m of climbing, there is something for everyone on two wheels. With fully signposted routes, chip-timing, downloadable gpx files and feed stations on the route, this is a great way to explore the beautiful Chiltern countryside.

All routes start from event HQ in Bellingdon, near Chiltern Velo cafe. More details and entry form here.  

Events: Redbourn Festival

Another event organised by Verulam CC, this time with Active in Redbourn and Redbourn Parish Council as the Redbourn Festival

Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th July.

This fun for the family weekend will again incorporate a Funday on the Saturday and the Fete du Velo on the Sunday.

This year there is the added attraction of Redbourn Rocks featuring live bands playing on the stage on the Saturday evening from 6 to 10pm - what's not to love!

Travellers Tales

This sign is on a fairly minor road near Zaragoza, in east Spain. The city is at a junction of major roads, but there are very few minor roads in the area suitable for cycling. Hence on weekend mornings, motor traffic is restricted to 50 kph, or about 30 mph, on this circuito ciclista in deference to the many local cyclists. Zaragoza is the fifth-largest city in Spain with over 700,000 inhabitants.

Pothole and flytipping reporting!

Hertfordshire Highways Fault Reporting is the page to go to if you see a pothole and want it fixed. Potholes more than 50mm deep tend to be fixed quickly and those deeper than 100mm are fixed very quickly.  Smaller potholes tend to be 'noted'.

Other faults tend to be less swiftly dealt with, if at all.  STACC continues to raise our concern that carriageway faults such as potholes get sorted while mud or vegetation on cycling and walking routes are put 'under review by local engineers' until they quietly drop off the system.  Our contacts at Hertfordshire Highways are aware of this shortcoming in the asset management system, and their message to us is KEEP REPORTING IT.  This will help them make the case for improvements to the system.  Contacting your County Councillor about a particular problem can also help to move things along.

Alternatively, call up a mapping app while you are in situ and take a screenshot of your location.  Another option is to make use of What3Words. Here's a short video to simplify reporting of potholes (also works for fly tips and other issues) by using the What3Words app, which puts the three word location identifier onto the photo.

You can then make a report to the relevant local authority..... ah, but which authority is that, and how to contact them?   Symondshyde Lane is in Welwyn Hatfield, not St Albans.

Well, there's an app for that... we suggest ClearWaste or  FixMyStreet, which use the location that you supply to work out which local authority your report should be sent to. If you have time, you can make the report in situ when you take the photos; the app knows where you are when you do this so you don't have to tell it.  You may find the flytip has already been reported.

You may have known of another app specifically for pot-holes, called FillThatHole that was created by Cycling UK. This app is no longer available, but a website with the same name that interfaces to FixMyStreet has taken its place. 

Wanted - Bikes, locks, lights and helmets

Do you have adult men's bikes in good condition and any helmets, bike locks, or lights that can be given to local asylum seekers?

Before being given a bike, the asylum seekers need to pass a Bikeability course, the cost of which is covered by Herts County Council. All the bikes are checked over by Andy Brock of Herts Welcomes Refugees before being given out.

If you can help, please contact Nick Clarke,, 01727 855026.

Acronyms, Links and other useful stuff

We try not to use abbreviations in our website and newsletters, at least not without prior explanation; however some do slip through the net so here is a list of those we commonly use:

More news in the May newsletter here